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How To Set An Intention For Gathering Ellery

How To Set An Intention For Gathering

Setting a table or thinking to put out the etched drinking glasses helps you focus on the intention of being together with friends and family. It gets you in a...

How To Set An Intention For Gathering

Setting a table or thinking to put out the etched drinking glasses helps you focus on the intention of being together with friends and family. It gets you in a...

Taking Gathering For Granted- What Living Through A Pandemic Taught Me Ellery

Taking Gathering For Granted- What Living Throu...

I think that I was someone who took gathering for granted. I’m an introvert and have also always been really shy. Big get-togethers have always felt a little intimidating and...

Taking Gathering For Granted- What Living Throu...

I think that I was someone who took gathering for granted. I’m an introvert and have also always been really shy. Big get-togethers have always felt a little intimidating and...

What I Wore When I Hugged My Friends For the First Time in a Year Ellery

What I Wore When I Hugged My Friends For the Fi...

I want you to treat yourself to some new earrings that you can wear at your first outdoor get-together with friends once you all have the vaccine! Those earrings and...

What I Wore When I Hugged My Friends For the Fi...

I want you to treat yourself to some new earrings that you can wear at your first outdoor get-together with friends once you all have the vaccine! Those earrings and...