Reflecting On 2020 and what This Year has Meant to Ellery Ellery

Reflecting On 2020 and what This Year has Meant to Ellery

As I reflect on this day last year, it was the day that Covid shut down my life. I was glued to the news and fearful for what was to come. The shows I had planned had all canceled. Marigold closed to the public, and then panic and fear started to sink in and I wondered if taking the risk of leaving my full-time job in January was a huge mistake. 

To rely on your own business is a huge risk in any situation and add in a global pandemic and I had no idea what to expect.

So I gave everything I could muster and put it into Ellery, determined to make it work. I cut a lot of costs and decided I couldn't think about failing because I had to pay the rent somehow. 

I threw myself into this community, my website, and showing my face on Instagram ( I had BARELY done that pre-pandemic). 2020 was the year I grew confident talking about Ellery and proved to myself that I could rely on it for my income.

It wasn’t pretty or glamorous, this year of growth. It still isn’t that glamorous lol,  I eat a lot of peanut butter and jelly and still hope I get enough orders a month to pay my rent. But wow, one year later and it feels SO GOOD to be here with Ellery. 

I wanted to take today to thank each and every person who placed an order from Ellery to the people that hosted the markets (which are so hard to plan ESPECIALLY this past year), to the people that followed us on Instagram, to those of you who signed up for our newsletter, to the other talented and hardworking vendors I have met, and every single one of you I met at the shows and markets. 

Ellery would not be here without you.

 I mean that. Sincerely. 

Last March when you all placed an order you are what made me believe that I could really do this and not stop and to work for Instacart instead. ( not even joking, those were thoughts I was having). Instead, you kept me busy walking with Dagwood to our local post office with your orders. 

So thank you for the most incredible year. Whatever happens with Ellery in the future, this first full year was incredible. 

And just remember that spending $30 with a small business can make the world of difference. Every. Sale. Matters. 

I started this business to work with and share other women-owned businesses and you have allowed me to do that, and I can’t wait to continue that. 




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