I think that at this moment in time we can all live by these words from my Grandmother.
"I have all this Jewelry upstairs, I'm not just gonna let it sit there"
Back in November my Grandmother told me this when my Granddad was telling me that she gets compliments on her jewelry when they would go to the grocery store.
I think that this motto is more true than ever.
I have been hearing so much feedback from people that they have no where to wear certain pieces of jewelry or carry a bag.
But I don't believe this.
If you have something that brings you joy WEAR IT ALL THE TIME.
That fun pair of earrings you put on before you get your morning coffee and start your day working from home can add some fun to your day when you catch a glimpse of yourself in your computer.
2020 might seem like things are "canceled" but it's showing us to appreciate ALL of our moments. We might not be dressing up to go to concerts, bars or restaurants but that doesn't mean we can dress up to bake, or cook a great dinner for close friends.
So add that pair of earrings, wear your favorite necklace to walk the dog, add a stack of bangles for drinks on your front steps. I mean, you don't want them to just sit up there in your room do ya??
#wearthejewelry #jewelry #cbus #grandmother #shopellery #ethicalfashion #2020 #dressup