How to build a Sustainable Wardrobe:
Tip #2 Invest in the Quality bag
This is probably a bad business decision but once you buy a quality bag you won't need another one.
A quality bag will last you years, it will hold up well and age nicely.
No more snagging the 20th bag that caught your eye at target for $30 that breaks the 3rd time you use it, no more filling your closet with multiple bags that are too big or too small.
You need the ethically made bag that is just right.
I always have a backpack, a crossbody, and a tote. They are 3 styles that are classic, useful and when you buy a quality one you will have it forever.
A bag is something that you use everday, so the cost per wear is super low.
One key to adding an investment bag into your wardobe is to buy them in a neutral color, so that they will work with all ouf the other pieces in your closet.
These bags from Purse & Clutch are timeless quality pieces made by artists in Ethiopia and Mexico.