Are You Scared of Color? Ellery

Are You Scared of Color?

I used to be so scared of color. It felt loud and I gravitated for gray and soft colors. But as I get older I find that it wakes me up and energizes me. When I walk Dagwood along the bike trail i'm always looking for something bright to pop out at me in a sea of browns and grays. Even a bright patch of moss is always a welcome surprise. ⠀⠀

Fair Trade jewelry is full of color. So many cultures embrace rich, big, colors. Fair Trade jewelry is full of color because it is made by artisans that incorporate their culture into the pieces that they make. The bright colors from India and Mexico are are not always fitting into the American color pallet but they bring such brightness an stand out against simpler jewelry. 

I recently read "Joyful" by Ingrid Fetell Lee, which is a book about the impact of color and design and how that change create joy in a person and in our culture. Fetell describes the use of colors in other Cultures and how it's been looked down on in old American society.

She describes that bright pops of color can change your mood and that fun, and busy patterns represent abundance and those also create a feeling of joy.

 After reading this book It's made me take a closer look and too appreciate the littlest things where this occurs in nature and in stores, and I want to find more ways to incorporate these concepts into my wardrobe. 

Are you scared of color and patterns or do you embrace it? 

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