Stay Safe and Stay at Home! FREE SHIPPING ALL JULY Ellery

Stay Safe and Stay at Home! FREE SHIPPING ALL JULY

With the current COIVD-19 rates on the rise, spending time outside in the fresh air is the best way to enjoy your summer. There are so many parks and trails in Columbus to explore. Taking the time to slow down and appreciate slow days in a park soaking up the sunshine, and feeling the cool breeze is an incredible luxury.
This gorgeous leather backpack is the perfect travel companion. Keep all your essentials on you while keeping your hands free for all your adventures. Pack a book, your mask a seltzer water, add your favorite snacks and enjoy this summer weather and keep yourself and others safe while you socially distance.
We are offering FREE SHIPPING for all of July! Discount automatically applied at checkout!
Stay safe and stay home and wear a mask! Get ethical fashion delivered right to your door for free! 
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