Finding Calm in Crazy Times Ellery

Finding Calm in Crazy Times

If you know me, you know I love walking along the Olentangy Trail here in Columbus. If you know me really well, you've come with me and had to listen to me talk about how much I love it.
In this crazy time we are in right now I want to share pictures of this trail with you to share that beauty that is in our our backyard here in Columbus.
Walking is way that I de-stress and find inspiration. I listen to audio books, to podcasts, talk with family and friends, walk in silence and just listen to the sounds around.
I love seeing the familiar faces of people in the community that I know, the other dogs that like to play with Dagwood, running into people I havn't seen in awhile. I love spotting the Blue Herons and listening to the Geese squawk. I love seeing the deer move so gracefully through the woods, and the occasional snapping turtle. (I do not love seeing the snakes though).
Walking can boost your immune system, improve your mood, and be good for creative thinking, and gives you time to breathe in some fresh air.
One thing I've seen on so many of these walks is that nature goes through changes and that different seasons look a little differently. Right now the trail is looking a little brown and muddy, but if you look closely there are buds on the trees and green is starting to cover the ground. Better times are coming and we are all in this together @ Clintonville, Columbus, Ohio
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